Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reversing the Debt We've Created

This is a video script that I had written for our campus ministry at LSU. You just have to read it forwards and backwards to see what a difference a reversal can make.

I have to die lost.
And I don’t believe
there is hope.
I do know
no one cares about you.
It is foolish to think
God is real.
It is easy to conceive
that I can not affect someone’s life.
It is not worthwhile to believe
for eternal life to be sought after.
I am taught in a way to which
I curse god and forgot his commandments.
It will never be said that
I will live to see my family saved.
I strongly trust
that I will end up divorced.
No longer choosing to accept
earns favor in the sight of the Lord.
Using my talents to further the kingdom of God
will be my greatest mistake.
Denying the cross at Calvary
is worth losing my soul over.
Nothing in my life
is more important than living for the moment.
Raising my children in church
will do no good.
Enjoying drugs and alcohol
will give me a lasting satisfaction.
Following God's will
only leads to a dead end road.
Choosing to fulfill fleshly desires
gives pure happiness.
The joy of the Lord
won't be my strength.
All of my possessions
can fill the emptiness inside.
Only a relationship with Christ
won't help me reach my eternal potential.
Doing nothing
we determine this won't happen.
We are defeated if
our college campuses can be saved.
it will be evident that
making money is my only goal in life
I will be completely wrong when
I stand up for what I believe.
I have my priorities straight when
is more important than
my life is meaningless.
There is no use to believe
There is hope.

And all this will come true unless we choose to reverse it...

There is hope.
There is no use to believe
my life is meaningless.
is more important than
I have my priorities straight when
I stand up for what I believe.
I will be completely wrong when
making money is my only goal in life.
it will be evident that
our college campuses can be saved.
We are defeated if
we determine this won't happen.
Doing nothing
won't help me reach my eternal potential.
Only a relationship with Christ
can fill the emptiness inside.
All of my possessions
won't be my strength.
The joy of the Lord
gives pure happiness.
Choosing to fulfill fleshly desires
only leads to a dead end road.
Following God's will
will give me a lasting satisfaction.
Enjoying drugs and alcohol
will do no good.
Raising my children in church
is more important than living for the moment.
Nothing in my life
is worth losing my soul over.
Denying the cross at Calvary
will be my greatest mistake.
Using my talents to further the kingdom of God
earns favor in the sight of the Lord.
No longer choosing to accept
that I will end up divorced.
I strongly trust
I will live to see my family saved.
It will never be said that
I curse god and forgot his commandments.
I am taught in a way to which
for eternal life to be sought after.
It is not worthwhile to believe
that I can not affect someone’s life.
It is easy to conceive
God is real.
It is foolish to think
no one cares about you.
I do know
there is hope.
And I don’t believe
I have to die lost.

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